Who, what, why, where and when? - the I am project

July 10, 2010  •  Leave a Comment

We are creating a unique and captivating book of real, unaltered women... beautiful pictures that draw you in and allow people to see the intrinsic beauty in every day women.

Our goal is to create social awareness and change around the media’s distorted vision of women; To help women and young girls see their true natural beauty.

Each woman photographed needs to be prepared to talk about how the project empowers her and about why she wants to be a part of it. She also must author her own personal I am statement - a statement starting with “I am...” and followed by one word that inspires her positively. For example, “I am courageous,” or “I am original.”

Right now there are distorted images of women in the magazines you read and the advertisements you see.

Photographers today, under pressure from the advertising industry, are altering not only their images but the subjects in them too.

Take a minute to look at this example

And if that's not enough, do a Google search for "photoshop skin smoothing".

As a professional photographer I understand that every photograph needs minor adjustments. I have no problem removing a piece of hair or even altering a background object. Even in the good old days of b/w film and hand printing it was standard to adjust the contrast of your image and under or over expose areas of your picture to achieve the best look. That's why photography is an art. And I understand that we have always used our knowledge of light and body positioning to achieve the best possible look for the subject. However, all of these adjustments are effects that could have happened in nature. They're still possible in the natural world.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with any digital enhancement / alteration made in the name of Art. When it comes to Art anything goes. But, what makes a photograph art and not photojournalism? I think it comes down to the intention of the person altering the photograph.
When an artist makes a piece of art they distort reality with the intention of drawing your attention to it to make a point. They want you to see the adjustments because it’s about making a statement. But when they enlarge breasts, shrink waists and other digital structural alterations with the intention of “fixing” the woman on the cover of a magazine or selling a product, their intention is to hide what they have done. They want you to think it is real but also cause an effect on your subconscious.

Making alterations like this is destructive to women and devastating to teenage girls who take for granted that the person on the cover of their favorite magazine is in fact, human.

Not only is this going on right now, it is already an epidemic. Most major magazine and advertisement photos are altered. And the effects are leaving obvious scars on our youth in the form of cosmetic surgery and unrealistic dieting. Women of all ages are innocently basing their self-esteem on these fake images of unattainable shapes and sizes. As a photographer I am taking a stand. I am placing myself between the runaway train of distorted media and the brick wall of devastated self-esteem.

The I am project™ simply strives to use images of natural, unaltered subjects to bring about awareness and change in how the media portrays women. Images of natural body shapes and sizes promote a state of well being and contentment with ourselves.

We offer everyday “real” women a chance to be a part of our stand, we offer an outlet for them to help change the warped perception of women in society today.

We are looking for unaltered health-conscious women of all shapes, sizes and races, over the age of 18, to lend us their engaging forms for this important project.
We are interested in women of all professions from lawyers to full time moms. If you are a TV or film personality we encourage you to join us as your real everyday self.

Our models are partially clothed or completely nude, depending on their comfort level and all have found the experience to be intensely empowering and quite fun as well.

This project is currently only open to women in the USA. If we receive enough interest and funding we will include other countries.

Currently this project is financially funded and lovingly cared for by it’s creators Koren and Joe Albright, photographers and owners of Albright Creative Imagery.

We offer these photo sessions free of charge to our participants and pay all the expense ourselves because we believe so strongly in what we are doing. If you believe in our project as we do but do not want to be photographed, we ask that you make a monetary donation. Your donation will pay for travel fees and materials, and help a real woman find her true beauty.

We also welcome corporate sponsorships.

when and where
Anytime, anywhere you want. We come to you. Your sunlit living room or a secluded location. Wherever you feel empowered.



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