Albright Creative Imagery: Blog en-us (C) Albright Creative Imagery [email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:35:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:35:00 GMT Albright Creative Imagery: Blog 120 108 A thanks from a reader Thank you, Koren Albright. We really do need this. Your project has sparked some lively boob discussions in my circle of friends and it's good to know that we're all 'normal' and lovely, just how we are. One night 5 of us were sitting around and we got to talking about the project, and then talking about what each of us felt were 'freakish' about our own boobs. And it turned out, what each of thought was freakish about ourselves, the rest of us confirmed was normal. We may or may not have all gotten our boobs out to confirm.

Keep up the good work!

[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) just boobs project koren Albright Tue, 24 Jul 2012 17:21:00 GMT
Flaunt it "If you got it flaunt it. If it's not there who cares?" This was my mantra from the time my breasts developed until my early twenties. It was how I gave myself permission to wear tight tank tops rather than a bra under my shirt or to go totally braless. The problem with this belief was the fact that it was still self deprecating.

Me at age 19 (left) & me age 37 (right)

You see I definitely considered myself in the "it's not there so who cares" category. I always believed that guys were interested in my friends with bigger boobs and to me that seemed like everyone else around me. My boobs were small and insignificant so who would care if you could see my nipples under my shirt or caught a little too much cleavage when I bent over? Yes, I was being more free with myself and my body but it was coming from a negative dialogue in my head. It wasn't until I met my husband who had, an still has, a great enthusiasm for my breasts that I began to change that dialogue. I remember buying a tank top that clearly wasn't meant to have a bra worn with it and I loved it but I would ask him "is this too 'booby'?" he always reassured me that is was "perfect". The more he reassured me the more I believed it.

The Just Boobs project is so exciting to me because I get to help women have a healthy relationship with their breasts. It is my hope in seeing all the different shapes and sizes of "normal" women and men alike will develop a deep love and respect for their own boobs and the boobs around them. I love that my man was able to help me on my path to being comfortable with my own body and loving it too. However not all women have a person in their life to boost their morale. I hope this book is a way to help women boost themselves.

Now I'm in my late thirties and I love my breasts. I've had four babies and breastfed them all and am currently breastfeeding our youngest. I go braless more often than not. I'm sure I have shocked, offended, excited, and caused a general stir among many people over the years because of this. I don't do this because I believe I am flaunting it or because I believe I shouldn't care, because I don't have anything that anyone should care about. I do it because I hate wearing a bra and I love my boobs.


[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) just boobs project koren Albright Mon, 23 Jul 2012 21:04:00 GMT
I am giving-I am project

I am giving
age 27, graphic designer
For me I am giving is multifaceted. It is giving of your time , your possessions and yourself. I have a favorite quote...
“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
“There are those who have little and give it all. These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.
And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.
And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue; They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.”
Kahlil Gibran ~ from the book The Prophet
I am one of those that gives with joy and that joy is my reward.
Growing up in my family really showed me what being giving meant. My mother and my grandmother, who must have gotten it from my great-great grandmother, have always been the care takers and the providers. They have always shown me what it means to be there for those you love. To notice when you need to be there and why that’s important.
We all need someone at some point. There is nothing like doing something and putting as smile on someone's face. Whether they are having the best day of their life or the worst, to put a smile on a the face of a friend of family member is priceless.

the reason
This is definitely a worth while project to be involved in, because we are all different. It’s a way to take a stand and prove to.. if anyone yourself, that you are OK with who you are. And getting naked is definitely a powerful statement. It’s who you really are, the naked you.
Women are constantly bombarded with unrealistic images from advertising every day, from all directions. We need to be reminded that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and colors.
One of the things that I have always been self-conscious about is my height. I will never be six foot tall and I have come to the conclusion that I need to accept it and be happy with it... and I am. I am also very pale. I will burn, peel and repeat for the rest of my life and I’m OK with that too. I always tell my mom that she is beautiful and she helped make me, so, gosh-darn it! I am beautiful!
So, I think showing that you can be happy with who you are is important.
The experience
It was a little weird at first but Koren is awesome, she made me feel at ease. It was definitely a good experience. It was a lot of fun. I really didn’t know what to expect, but it was a lot of fun.
You have to let go, it’s a nice way to embrace you.. everything that you are. It’s taking the good with the bad and realizing we all have qualities that we may not like but we all have lots of really good qualities too. There is no use in focusing on anything negative. You are who you are, have fun and smile!
[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) I Am Project I am giving koren Albright Sun, 22 Jul 2012 23:31:00 GMT
An introduction to the Just Boobs Project

Just - only or merely…
Breasts have always been glorified, vilified and over specified for thousands of years. What's the big deal? They're just boobs!

Just - actual, real, genuine, in keeping with truth or fact...
Breasts, now more than ever before, are pushed, boosted, padded, manipulated and downright fake. What kind of message are we sending to future generations of women and men?

Just - righteous, proper, right…
Breasts are not "dirty" or immoral. They have a wonderful function and are perfect in every way. Every breast is different and every breast is beautiful because of those differences.

Wouldn't it be great if there was a book of photographs that celebrated all the wonderful shapes, sizes and colors of breasts. A book that generations of girls could look at and realize that there is no "perfect" breast, that one size does not fit all. A book that generations of boys could look at so they know what real boobs look like first, before their inevitable introduction to porn. So that the men and women of the future love and respect the breasts they have and the women they are with. This is the objective of the Just Boobs Project. And now is the time to show us your boobs for a just cause because they're "just" boobs!

The Book
I am shooting 100 women, from neck to navel, to be used in the Just Boobs book. You can see updates on my progress on the Just Boobs facebook page. The images are completely anonymous. Tattoos and identifying scars can be removed to insure your anonymity if you request it.

The Conversation
I would also like to start a conversation. I would like women to post their own breast pictures and/or stories about their boobs, body issues or any issue relating to breasts that they feel passionate about in the Just Boobs blog. This is a place of openness and freedom, without stigma where we can all help one another overcome our body issues. Please come join us!

To send us your picture and/or story, email them to Koren using this form on the Just Boobs website. She will approve and post each entry anonymously to the blog. We can't wait for the stories to start pouring in!


[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) just boobs project koren Albright Sun, 22 Jul 2012 06:26:00 GMT
You are invited!-The I Am Project Woman's face surrounded by red fabricWoman's face surrounded by red fabric

You are invited! Yes, you reading this blog right now. You are invited to be a part of the I am project. You do not have to be photographed. I would however love to hear or more accurately, read your story.

For the women reading this I would love to know your I am statement. So finish this sentence, "I am ...". Remember that it must be a positive word about yourself. One that is true and makes you feel good about yourself. I know it's hard to keep it to just word. However after finishing your I am statement I would love for you to elaborate and explain your statement. This is where you will get to tell me your story.

For the men reading this blog I would love to hear your stories about women. Do you have a woman in your life that you find beautiful and strong? It doesn't have to be your partner. Maybe it's your mother sister or best friend. Perhaps you'd like to make a statement that begins "she is.." and finish it with one word that is positive. Then explain your statement. Another interesting story from men may be what it was like the first time that you saw a naked woman (other than a family member). Was it what you expected?

These stories must be true, no fabrications. Reality is always much more interesting than fiction anyhow. The photos are obviously a big part of this project . However the stories are just as powerful and that is something that we can all share.

If you choose to accept this invitation please tell me your age and occupation and whether you are a woman or a man. You may include your first name if you like but feel free to keep your anonymity if that makes you more comfortable. I never share personal information about the women who have posed for me and I won't share personal information from the blog either.

The I am project is not just for women or girls but for men and boys as well. I would love for men to participate just as much as women and this is a great way to do that. Stories are powerful and I would love to hear yours.

[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) I Am Project koren Albright Sun, 07 Nov 2010 17:55:00 GMT
An "I am" conversation with a friend - The I am project Nude woman siting with her knees pulled upNude woman siting with her knees pulled up

This is a conversation that I had with a friend via facebook. The picture is neither her nor I but it shows lovely stretch marks. I say lovely because I truly mean lovely. Even when a woman has not posed for the I am project she still has a story. Whether that story be good or bad I hope that it will have a healing and positive effect now.

Blown away by the I Am Project. It made me cry; or more technically is making me do so. Settling in to watch the interview, but didn't want to wait that long to message you. Women and girls *viscerally need* this type of visual and artistic support.

It's like Lizzie Miller's photo in Glamour, but taken to a whole new, dizzyingly wonderful level! I'm so glad artists like you and Joe are in the world making it a better and more open-minded place. It utterly inspires me.

I'm glad that the project touches you. I want it to touch many people and hopefully make a positive impact. I hope that it will touch and support girls and women but men and boys alike. When all a boy sees of the female body are pictures he's glimpsed in a nudie mag he has swiped from a grown man, likely one he is related to, he has no idea what a "real" woman looks like.

Anyway, I'm all about opening minds and changing perceptions.

When I was eight years old I remember getting a new swimsuit from Sears for a YMCA swimming class. Besides being brand-new, it was FUN. As soon as I got home, I put it on and went tearing out to the family room to show my Dad.

He didn't remark on the rainbow-colored half-bullseye that came from the side seam, or how tickled I was, or how radiantly beautiful. He pointed to my hip, looked at my mother, and said with concern, "Are those stretch marks?!" I had no idea what stretch marks were, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to know that Daddy's Pretty Plus daughter shouldn't be happy about having them.

A lifetime of experiences later, and raising two girls, I think immediately (and often) about the impact the media plays in changing the hearts and minds of our girls. You make a really important point, however, that boys and men also need beautiful reminders that the bodies of women come in many wonderful shapes and sizes. Thank you for reminding me of it, too!

I have story of hips as well. My mother had me when she was a ripe old age of 17, and had natural child birth in the hospital with no support team to call her own. I love her for that. However one of the first things she said after I was born was when the Dr. put me on the scale and he pronounced me to be a whopping 5lb 13 oz she said "throw the other thigh on the scale". This comment was a double whammy in that it was self deprecating and casting large thighs on to her tiny newborn as the way it was going to be and it was not a beautiful thing.

I guess that was a thigh story and not a hip story. Nonetheless parents really need to be aware of their words and the impact of those words on their children and what they believe and how they feel about themselves.

Wow K, it's amazing what 'weight' our words carry from our very first experiences onward! I imagine many women have at least one of those stories filed away inside her. I have no reservations whatsoever about the use of my swimsuit story on the blog. If it can be helpful to someone, then some good came of it.

I wish, in fact, I had the body to model for you. It's such a laudable project! But sadly I am completely certain I don't fit under the category of 'health-conscious woman'. :-( It's okay though-- many women do and you are finding them. Glad this project is back on the burner!

So I totally let this ball drop. Picking it back up now. Why do you think that you don't "fit" into the health conscious category? Have you had plastic surgery for reasons other than health/reconstructive issues or do you eat fast food every day? I don't mean to pry, I'm just curious.

No, nothing like that. My weight has, to some larger degree than many people, gone up and down my whole life. It has taken every little piece of my lifetime to accept my shape--

Besides that, it has now been 3.5 years since I got a good night's sleep. I have tried countless avenues to figure out why I can get to sleep, but not stay asleep. Through this process, I have gained 70#, lost memory, become a lot more moody, and basically feel fried much of the time.

I don't feel very healthy. I feel exhausted a lot of the time, actually. But my body has seen me through some exhaustive trials and tribulations, and I love it still. I just can't imagine calling this poor body heath-conscious. Not just now.

Now I understand. I am sorry to hear about your issues with insomnia. It really is hard on a body. I certainly would not however say that you aren't health conscious because of it. If anything you are even more conscious and on a path of discovery. Anyway, I think you're amazing and would be a welcome addition to the project. No pressure. I'm just saying. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I love to learn more about people and get a glimpse into their lives. That's why I love my job so much.

Thank you very much-- I appreciate the positive thoughts. It's been a long couple years, but a friend came over just today to try to cope with yesterday's shocking diagnosis of breast cancer-- with no history and she herself a hard-core breastfeeder of two lovely young girls. It reminds me that every journey is just plain wilder than we expect at the outset.


[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) I Am Project koren Albright Wed, 08 Sep 2010 02:27:00 GMT
Who, what, why, where and when? - the I am project Woman wading in water at sunset06.149.0076Woman wading in water at sunset

We are creating a unique and captivating book of real, unaltered women... beautiful pictures that draw you in and allow people to see the intrinsic beauty in every day women.

Our goal is to create social awareness and change around the media’s distorted vision of women; To help women and young girls see their true natural beauty.

Each woman photographed needs to be prepared to talk about how the project empowers her and about why she wants to be a part of it. She also must author her own personal I am statement - a statement starting with “I am...” and followed by one word that inspires her positively. For example, “I am courageous,” or “I am original.”

Right now there are distorted images of women in the magazines you read and the advertisements you see.

Photographers today, under pressure from the advertising industry, are altering not only their images but the subjects in them too.

Take a minute to look at this example

And if that's not enough, do a Google search for "photoshop skin smoothing".

As a professional photographer I understand that every photograph needs minor adjustments. I have no problem removing a piece of hair or even altering a background object. Even in the good old days of b/w film and hand printing it was standard to adjust the contrast of your image and under or over expose areas of your picture to achieve the best look. That's why photography is an art. And I understand that we have always used our knowledge of light and body positioning to achieve the best possible look for the subject. However, all of these adjustments are effects that could have happened in nature. They're still possible in the natural world.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with any digital enhancement / alteration made in the name of Art. When it comes to Art anything goes. But, what makes a photograph art and not photojournalism? I think it comes down to the intention of the person altering the photograph.
When an artist makes a piece of art they distort reality with the intention of drawing your attention to it to make a point. They want you to see the adjustments because it’s about making a statement. But when they enlarge breasts, shrink waists and other digital structural alterations with the intention of “fixing” the woman on the cover of a magazine or selling a product, their intention is to hide what they have done. They want you to think it is real but also cause an effect on your subconscious.

Making alterations like this is destructive to women and devastating to teenage girls who take for granted that the person on the cover of their favorite magazine is in fact, human.

Not only is this going on right now, it is already an epidemic. Most major magazine and advertisement photos are altered. And the effects are leaving obvious scars on our youth in the form of cosmetic surgery and unrealistic dieting. Women of all ages are innocently basing their self-esteem on these fake images of unattainable shapes and sizes. As a photographer I am taking a stand. I am placing myself between the runaway train of distorted media and the brick wall of devastated self-esteem.

The I am project™ simply strives to use images of natural, unaltered subjects to bring about awareness and change in how the media portrays women. Images of natural body shapes and sizes promote a state of well being and contentment with ourselves.

We offer everyday “real” women a chance to be a part of our stand, we offer an outlet for them to help change the warped perception of women in society today.

We are looking for unaltered health-conscious women of all shapes, sizes and races, over the age of 18, to lend us their engaging forms for this important project.
We are interested in women of all professions from lawyers to full time moms. If you are a TV or film personality we encourage you to join us as your real everyday self.

Our models are partially clothed or completely nude, depending on their comfort level and all have found the experience to be intensely empowering and quite fun as well.

This project is currently only open to women in the USA. If we receive enough interest and funding we will include other countries.

Currently this project is financially funded and lovingly cared for by it’s creators Koren and Joe Albright, photographers and owners of Albright Creative Imagery.

We offer these photo sessions free of charge to our participants and pay all the expense ourselves because we believe so strongly in what we are doing. If you believe in our project as we do but do not want to be photographed, we ask that you make a monetary donation. Your donation will pay for travel fees and materials, and help a real woman find her true beauty.

We also welcome corporate sponsorships.

when and where
Anytime, anywhere you want. We come to you. Your sunlit living room or a secluded location. Wherever you feel empowered.


[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) I Am Project koren Albright Sun, 11 Jul 2010 01:50:00 GMT
The meaning of life? -The I am project Nude woman with outstreached armsNude woman with outstreached arms

So what is the meaning of life, the Universe and everything you ask? Well forty two of course. Oh, you're looking for something more personal from me huh? Well I don't have any grand answer. Here's what I do think. I think that we are here, born on Earth to learn and to teach. There. It's that simple. Of course I have to hope that which we are teaching and learning is beneficial and doesn't intentionally cause harm and distress to others. I also believe that things happen for a reason. These "things" that happen to us are what our individual stories are woven from. Stories are like tapestries; physical, tangible and the pattern that is revealed comes from the teachings we bestow to others and the lessons that we learn throughout our lives.
I love to know about people and their stories. Everyone has a story. Even when they think they don't. I love to listen to NPR and the great programs that they broadcast because I love to hear the stories from around the world. Now I don't see myself becoming a reporter or hosting a show where I sit and interview people. Therefor I don't imagine I'll be hosting a show on NPR anytime soon. I do however have some skill with a camera.
So quite a few years back I decided that it would be a superb idea to take nude photos of women and those women should be my friends. (You may be wondering how I jumped from stories and learning and teaching to nude photos of my friends. Just keep reading and it will all be revealed.) The real women that I surrounded myself with on a day to day basis would be my inspiration. I had this idea at the same time that Joe realized just how much the photography industry had taken to altering images. With the digital revolution so many fantastic advances could be made. For instance a woman could now have a smaller waist, a higher and rounder butt, bigger boobs, stretched neck, eyes that are unnaturally almond shaped, and skin that is more perfect and unblemished than any newborn ever born on Earth. Sure it may sound good at first but when we thought just for a moment about the negative impact these "false" images of women create for women, girls, boys and men we knew we would not take part in that part of photography.
When we took my idea to photograph friends and our combined resolve to not alter women in our photos we came up with an idea for a colossal project. The I am project was born. The idea was that we would ask women to participate that fit a certain criteria. Before she was photographed she would be asked to complete the I am statement with one word that described her. The word had to be positive and induce loving feelings about herself when she said it. Then I would have her embody that statement and then proceed with her nude photo shoot. Then we would wrap up the shoot with an interview. This is where I got to hear their stories. These stories were real and beautiful and inspiring. From these stories I hope that women will learn to love themselves exactly as they are. I hope that we can teach young boys what a real woman's body looks like and there is more to a woman than a nudie magazine they may have sneaked a peek at before ever seeing an actual naked woman in real life. I hope these images will teach our girls and those girls that we aren't even related to that they can love themselves unconditionally. We all come in many shapes and sizes and they are all beautiful. I hope that men learn to appreciate the women in their lives and love their partners fiercely and passionately and stop judging a woman's body based on porn. Men are powerful teachers, especially to their daughters and I hope they teach them that they are are strong and beautiful whether they are skinny, chubby, talkative or they wear their hair in a mohawk, pierce their belly buttons or have stretch marks on their hips at the ripe age of 8.
We are all on a journey of discovery. The I am project is just a piece but an important one. On this blog I am sharing stories, conversations and pictures with you. I hope you all enjoy what you see and what you read. Some installments will be brief snip-its. Others will be long and in depth. One way or the other I hope you enjoy the journey and either learn something here or take something away that you will share and teach others.
[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) I Am Project koren Albright woman with outstreched arms Sun, 11 Jul 2010 00:42:00 GMT
Project goals - The I am project


  • To inspire women to stop comparing themselves to synthetic advertising and Hollywood versions of what a woman is supposed to look like.
  • To inspire women to be content and comfortable as their natural selves and to realize that as the definition of beauty.
  • To change what society considers as normal concerning body size and shape.


  • Publication of photo books that encourage and inspire women and young girls to love their bodies.
  • Production of prints, cards, calendars and more that encourage and inspire women to love their bodies.
  • Licensing images to reputable companies promoting natural products and to companies that want to promote natural women in their advertising.


  • The opportunity to have an active roll in changing perceptions of women.
  • Boost your self confidence.
  • Make a healthier society for your children and grand children.
  • Free portrait shoot and pictures.
  • 10% of the net profit of book or art sales is donated to charities involved in breast cancer or breastfeeding. The remainder goes back into the I am project.
[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) I Am Project koren Albright woman with outstretched arms sitting Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:50:00 GMT
Getting excited about Birth the play! Getting excited about Birth the play!

On Sat April 17th @ 7pm and again on Sun April 18th @2pm, Bold Fort Wayne presents the local premiere. This is part of the Doula Network of Fort Wayne's Birth to Baby weekend (April 16-18). The weekend includes a waterbirth credentialing workshop featuring Barbara Harper. Check out for more info.
Anyway, we are one of the contributors. We designed the poster and we will have several framed images up at the play! Anything we can do to contribute to the health and well being of women in our community we will do with love and joy!!!
[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) birth koren Albright Sat, 27 Mar 2010 01:13:00 GMT
It's our 10th anniversary! 2000-2010

A decade of celebrating women! And loving every minute!

[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) anniversary Sat, 27 Mar 2010 00:49:00 GMT
Koren gets a Fort Wayne Journal Gazette feature Last June Koren was contacted by the Journal Gazette for a feature on pregnancy and newborn photography. We had a great time at the interview! Here is the article.

[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) Fort Wayne Journal Gazette feature koren Albright Sat, 27 Mar 2010 00:40:00 GMT
body image stuff - The I am project Nude woman siting cross-legged.06.133.0031Nude woman siting cross-legged. Hello oh lovely real women (and the men who love them)! I am so fired up about the I Am Project because I believe it can and will truly change lives. That may sound dramatic but I don't think it is. Picture this...I am 14 years old and my friend and I are staring at the contestants for the teen model search in some magazine. We are scrutinizing their flawless and (at the time) air-brushed faces in awe. Next, we look in the mirror and talk in great detail about what is wrong with us and about how jealous we are of those other girls. We discuss with disgust our blackheads, our pimples, our cellulite, our yucky hair...we really got into it! And this wasn't the first time either...we spent perhaps thousands of teenage hours fretting both verbally and internally about what is wrong with the way we look. I was well trained by the media (and other influences) to despise my appearance. I cannot begin to express how terribly sad this is to me now, for so many reasons. Sometimes I think about what I could have been doing with all of those lost hours and its just too tragic to really entertain. Once I was in college and began taking sociology, anthropology, and women's studies classes, I could see how I'd been duped. I've spent the last 17 or so years rebuilding my idea of what a woman actually looks like and training myself to understand that there is beauty in all of us. I've become a celebrator of what is natural in life. My involvement in this project is the culmination of so much anger, soul-searching, journaling, accepting, and down-right WORK that I've been doing for nearly two decades. How is it radical or revolutionary to think/see/say that all women have "imperfections" like blobs of fat, pimples, moles, freckles, hair in "odd" places, stretch marks, etc...? For this to be revolutionary talk is just proof of how far from reality we've come! So anyway, I believe the I am project can bring on much needed change because it will show people the truth of what women look like. Some of us are tall, some of us short. Some of us are very thin, some medium, some large. Some of us have pale skin while some of us have dark skin. Some of us have wrinkles and some of us don't get the picture. I'm going to have to write much more about this later - so very much to say!

[email protected] (Albright Creative Imagery) I Am Project koren Albright nude woman sitting sepia tone Thu, 07 Dec 2006 01:47:00 GMT